A free online consumers guide to the finest organic and non organic farms and growers in North America producing the safest, highest quality fruits and vegetables on the market. Morganicsapproved receives no money from farmers or advertisers.
Driscoll’s, CA
Family owned by Driscolls 100 years
Jurisdiction over growers worldwide – must conform to U.S. FDA and EPA as well as company standards
Contact: Christina Sanchez, Food Safety Dept.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black berries
10%-20% plants now coming from their own organic nurseries
Increasing use of organics reduces need for pesticides
R&D to develop disease resistant, good tasting berries
Developing an all organic nursery in CA
Certification is time consuming on all levels
Food safety:
Priority of all growers
"Global Food Safety Program" based on GAP and enforced at farms worldwide – FDA and GLOBALGAP standards
Registered and complies with Bioterrorism Act – 24 hour call center
"Track my Berries" on boxes – use code to trace back to crop
Random audits by third party – 1400 audits in past 12 months
Changing over to all recyclable packaging
Pesticide use:
If used, must conform to U.S. FDA and EPA globally
IPM – individual farms choose methods (within above guidelines)
Fertilizer use:
Use of beneficial organisms and field monitoring
Seeds grown in controlled nurseries – soil free of pesticides and disease, then shipped to growers
Each location farmer uses biological diversity of fields with minimum agricultural input; crop rotation used
Monitored use of irrigation water
Commitment to sustainability – traditional and now organic
Independent testing by Primus Labs
HACCP approved -Fair Trade certified
Other state/federal certification:
Certified CCOF (CA Certified Organic Farmers)
USDA National Organic Standards
Guaranteed by Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Dept. of Labor/OSHA compliant