A free online consumers guide to the finest organic and non organic farms and growers in North America producing the safest, highest quality fruits and vegetables on the market. Morganicsapproved receives no money from farmers or advertisers.
Morganicsapproved Evaluating Criteria
A note on GMOs (genetically modified organisms): Until laws are passed that demand labeling all GMO produce, the only known way at this time to avoid them is to eat organic only.
Using a set of criteria dedicated to quality, safety, inspections, testing and sustainability, extensive research then allows us to identify the elite farms and growers possessing the standards and practices consistent with Morganicsapproved.
IPM (Integrated Pest Management): Initiatives designed to reduce or eliminate the use of chemical pesticides in favor of more natural or organic methods such as traps, beneficial insects, seed selection or habitat manipulation.
Soil Testing: Regular independent soil testing to determine organic status, trace pesticide levels, microbials and overall soil efficacy and safety.
FSM: In-house Food Safety Manager.
Alternate Fertilizer: Organic or alternative fertilization practices used to reduce or eliminate chemical fertilizers in favor of more natural and organic methods such as composting and crop rotation.
Traceability: A safety and identification practice which pinpoints the field of origination of any unsafe after-harvest produce.
Insurance Certificates: Inspections and certifications (minimum of three): USDA, FDA, HACCP, OSHA, Dept. of Labor, GAP, GMP.
OGSI (Other Green and Sustainability Initiatives) (minumum of three): Drip irrigation, recycled or reusable packaging, biodiesel tractors, local growing, recycled or reusable pallets, synthetic tractor oils, electric forklifts, high efficiency coolers.
Primus Labs
Davis Fresh