A free online consumers guide to the finest organic and non organic farms and growers in North America producing the safest, highest quality fruits and vegetables on the market. Morganicsapproved receives no money from farmers or advertisers.
Foxy Fresh Vegetables
Family owned: The Nunes Company, Inc.
Leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, asparagus, green onions, snap peas, now peas, leeks, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cilantro, bok choy, savoy, parsley, radish, endive, kale, spring mix
Less than 5% are organically produced.
The LGMA has put more restrictions on composting "making us more aware of how to reduce the risk of food borne illness".
Food Safety:
Implemented self assessments for ranches and documents that strictly follow the third party auditor’s checklists
Follow GAP, GMP, CDFA, LGMA guidelines
Updated field machinery reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 90%
Synthetic oil use
Reusable pallets
Packaging – implemented the use of Returnable Plastic Containers (RPCs)
Local crops reduce transportation miles
High efficiency energy, water and cooler equipment
Pesticide use:
Minimal pesticide use – foliar instead of fungicides
IPM – beneficial insects, water monitoring, seed selection
Fertilizer use:
Drip irrigation, cover crops, laser leveling
Minimum tillage, crop rotation
Aggressively seek vendors committed to sustainable efforts. All are SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) certified
Use of grass lined waterways
Independent testing: Monterey County Water Resources, US Geological Survey or Assn.
HACCP approved
Fair Trade – no information
Other State/federal certification:
Sponsors programs such as Am. Cancer Soc. Relay for Life, Ag Against Hunger, Monterey County Fair