A free online consumers guide to the finest organic and non organic farms and growers in North America producing the safest, highest quality fruits and vegetables on the market. Morganicsapproved receives no money from farmers or advertisers.
Duda Farm Fresh Foods, FL
Family owned for five generations: Duda
Jurisdiction over all core commodity suppliers
Contact: Jean Hamil, assistant to Amy Duda Kinder, Director of Food Safety and Consumer Affairs
Citrines, clementines, lemons, Meyer lemons, grapefruits, oranges, Western Specialty Fruit, lettuces. bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, endive, escarole, cabbage, kale, parsley, radish, onions, sweet corn
250 acres organic. Constantly updating methods.
Organic supports the offsets of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Food safety:
Traceability using bar code and lot number can trace back to seed.
Tested and developed RFID (radio frequency identification)
Developed "Product Traceability Initiative"
Use of fuel efficient tractors equipped with GPS systems to reduce time in fields
Reducing number of vehicles in fleet and horsepower
Corrugated packaging in line with Sustainable Forestry Initiative
100% recyclable and green packaging key to company goals
Pesticide use:
IPM – beneficial insects
Licensed "scouts" to determine applications of chemicals – only safest and least persistent pesticides used as needed
Fertilizer use:
GPS system used to pinpoint areas of fields requiring attention then automatically applies fertilizers and sprays as needed
96% less use of nitrogen fertilizer than conventional crops
Cover crops used
Crop rotation used – fallow and flood land
Reduction of amount of water used – drip irrigation
Added organics to soil to consume carbon dioxide and offset carbon footprint
Reduction of Food Miles
Use of laser leveling
Regular soil testing by internal and external auditors, scheduled and unscheduled by PrimusLabs
Other auditors: CDFA, AIB International, Davis Fresh Technologies
HACCP plans are in place for applicable commodities such as sliced or cut vegetables and fruit
Fair Trade:
In compliance with all workers policies
Other state and federal certification:
Fully compliant with all applicable licenses and certifications
Dept. of Labor/OSHA
Fully compliant with inspections
"Hydroponic Citrus Project" – goes beyond organic – combines best of science with "art of farming" and creates model of sustainability…a blueprint for future of tree and vine crops.
Overall company reduction of energy costs – tracking electrical use in offices and buildings; processing during off-peak hours