A free online consumers guide to the finest organic and non organic farms and growers in North America producing the safest, highest quality fruits and vegetables on the market. Morganicsapproved receives no money from farmers or advertisers.
Earthbound Farm Organics, CA
Drew and Myra Goodman, Owners
With jurisdiction over 150 farms, California and Mexico
Products grown: beets, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, lettuces, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, melons, citrus, avocados, grapes, pears, stone fruit, kiwi, berries, mixed greens.
Also sells dried fruits, snacks, trail mix
100% organically grown
Food safety:
Unprecedented in the growing industry
All greens tested for pathogens using "test and hold" till cleared, constant refrigeration and GAP methods
GAP all phases including Mexico
Unannounced inspections of all contributing farms
Biodiesel farm vehicles and new company vehicles
No synthetics – in 2009, will avoid use of 10.3 million lbs. synthetic fert. and conserve use of 1.6 million gallons petroleum by not using pet. based fertilizer and pesticides
Pesticide use:
Beneficial insects attracted by "host crops"
Low toxicity USDA Organic approved if necessary
Fertilizer use:
Soil enrichment – compost, cover crops, natural minerals
Crop rotation
Basis of company philosophy
Independent soil testing – Davis Fresh Technologies
HACCP approved
Fair trade certified – yes
Other state and federal certification:
USDA Certified Organic "QTV", CCOF, LGMA, Scientific Advisory Panel
DOL/OSHA – yes
World’s largest grower of organic produce
Committed to sustainability